Forehead Lift

What Is a Forehead Lift?

A forehead lift is the surgical removal of excess fat and skin, as well as a tightening of the muscles in the forehead area. It can correct sagging brows or deep furrows between the eyes. It is often done in conjunction with a facelift, in order to create a smoother facial appearance overall.

Who are candidates for forehead lift?

A forehead lift can help people of any age who have developed furrows or frown lines due to stress, muscle activity, or inherited conditions, such as a low, heavy brow or furrowed lines above the nose. However, it is most commonly performed on people ages 40 to 60, to minimize the visible effects of aging.

Forehead lift is often performed in conjunction with a facelift or eyelid lift surgery.

Types of Forehead Lift

There are two types of surgical techniques available for a forehead lift, including the classic forehead lift and the endoscopic forehead lift:

  • In the classic forehead lift, the surgeon will make an incision that is similar to a headphone-like pattern. This incision is called a coronal incision and starts at about ear level and continues across the top of the forehead to the other ear. The surgeon then carefully lifts the skin of the forehead removing any excess tissue and fat and, if necessary, realigns the muscles. During the procedure, the eyebrows may also be repositioned at a higher level, and any excess skin is trimmed.
  • The difference between the endoscopic forehead lift and the classic forehead lift is the size of the incision. With the endoscopic forehead lift, the surgeon makes three to five short scalp incisions that are each less than an inch long. An endoscope is then inserted through one of the incisions allowing the surgeon to see the muscles and tissues underneath. In a different incision, the surgeon inserts another instrument that lifts the forehead skin. Excess tissue and fat are then removed and, if necessary, muscles are realigned. Like the classic forehead lift, the eyebrows may also be repositioned at a higher level. The recovery period and scarring is minimal, in comparison to the classic forehead lift.